Connect to UNIGE Wi-Fi from anywhere on campus using its 1,350+ hotspots.
Separate Wi-Fi networks are available to those visiting from another university (Swiss or international) or who are guests on campus (e.g. for a conference).
Visitors should use one of the following Wi-Fi networks depending on their situation:
"eduroam" – For visitors from member institutions of the international Eduroam network. Once your device and log in information are set up, every time you enter a campus building it will automatically be detected and securely connected to the network using encryption. You will need a VPN to access UNIGE intranet resources.
"guest-unige" – For all visitors to the UNIGE campus. You may be able to connect to UNIGE intranet resources via a VPN.
Please note that students and staff members may also be able to access the above networks, however the Wi-Fi "unige" network is the best and most secure option for members of the UNIGE community.
You are...
- An affiliate of another Swiss or international university.
- A guest or visitor, for example, attending a conference.
Terms & conditions
Outages, bugs and other issues
Staff members:
- First, visit Digital Workplace: Network - Submit an issue
- If your problem is not resolved, contact the IT Service Desk (CAD)
- You can contact the IT Service Desk (CAD)