
The PrivateBin service hosted at UNIGE is a pastebin-type solution offering a simple and fast way to securely exchange large amounts of data (maximum 100 MB) such as texts, code snippets, attachments, etc.

PrivateBin is particularly recommended to transmit confidential data such as passwords and encryption keys :

  • While a large number of pastebins exist on the web, this service uses the open source PrivateBin solution hosted in the institutional environment of UNIGE.
  • Data transmission is encrypted according to the AES256 standard.
  • Options allow you to associate a password, a reading time of 5 minutes to 1 month as well as their automatic erasure after reading.
  • Data are not reformatted and are transmitted without equipments contributing to the service becoming aware of it (zero knowledge).
You are...
  • A UNIGE student.
  • A UNIGE staff member.
  • A member of a SWITCHaai Fondation Partner.
You'll need...
  • To access the service from outside UNIGE, a SWITCH edu-ID account.
Terms & conditions

Using the service


Outages, bugs and other issues

Etudiant-e-s :

Collaborateur-trice-s :