
The UNIGE Recruitment Management System (known as GDR in French) is a tool that facilitates the job posting workflow, including writing, verification, validation, and publication on the UNIGE website.

You are...
  • A secretary or administrative assistant in charge of drawing up job offers.
  • A faculty or department administrator in charge of approving job postings.
  • A member of the HR department/HR manager in charge of monitoring and publishing postings.
  • In charge of recruiting and evaluating candidates.
You'll need...
  • A special account to access this tool.
Terms & conditions

Using the service

  • Go to GDR
  • How to...
    • request access to the Recruitment Management System?
    • approve an offer?
    • select candidates?
    • create and validate a new job offer posting?

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Outages, bugs and other issues