
Websites using encrypted protocols based on TLS use digitally signed certificates to allow their users to identify them and thus verify that they are connecting to the desired site. User authentication and data exchange between the site and workstations are then secured.

The University of Geneva offers 3 types of certificates:
- Extended Validation public certificates (DigiCert)
- Standard public certificates (DigiCert, Let's Encrypt)
- Internal certificates (UNIGE)


SSL is a standard technology for securing Internet connections by encrypting data passing between a browser and a website (or between two servers). During their transfer, data (personal, financial, etc.) are thus protected from hackers who can neither see them nor steal them.
These security certificates are still called "SSL certificates". This is the commonly used term. In reality, an "SSL" certificate is a TLS certificate, TLS being a newer and more secure version of SSL.



You are...
  • A website developer.
  • Administrators of servers and web sites.
You'll need...
  • Have an e-mail address or group address ...@unige.ch
Terms & conditions



Send all requests by email to pki(at)unige.ch.

Outages, bugs and other issues

Send all requests by email to pki(at)unige.ch.